Store Encrypted Credentials For Easy Recovery

I seen a post a long while back on Idera, to store multiple credentials for easy retrieval and store them in a secure manner.

Yes, there’s a thousand different ways to store passwords and the passwords to your passwords but security isn’t always convenient and should be secured with MFA so it quickly becomes tiresome to retrieve and store passwords.

Setting security aside for one minute, this is my take on a multi-password store which I can quickly access saving me a tonne of time on a daily basis.


Using this function you can create a credential file for as many accounts as you like, it then encrypts and stores the credentials in the Path specified.

New-MultiPass -Path C:\users\korben.dallas\desktop -Name LeeLoo, Korben -Force


You can then retrieve the stored passwords from the location for use in Powershell console, scripts all day long.

$multipass = Get-MultiPass -Path C:\users\korben.dallas\desktop\MultiPass.xml

Then access these through dot notation from the variable to pass to cmdlets or scripts.


UserName                          Password
--------                          --------
leeloo.dallas System.Security.SecureString

UserName                          Password
--------                          --------
korben.dallas System.Security.SecureString

I’ve actually added the retrieval to my Powershell profile so that I don’t even have to load it and when I change a password I create a new file.


function New-MultipassFile {
    Creates a MultiPass file to encrypt and store credentials.
    Creates a MultiPass file to encrypt and store credentials for easy retrieval using Get-MultiPass.
    Specifies the Path to the location to store the credential XML file.
    Identifying name of the stored credential which can be referenced during retrieval.
    .PARAMETER Force
    Switch to force overwrite a file if it already exists in the Path specified.
    New-MultiPass -Path C:\users\korben.dallas\desktop -Name ADAdmin, O365Admin, Other

    New-MultiPass -Path C:\users\korben.dallas\desktop -Name ADAdmin, O365Admin, Other -Force
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    param (


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    begin {
        $output = @{}
        $outpath = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath 'MultiPass.xml'
    process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($path, ("Creating Password Object for $Environment"))) {

            foreach ($item in $Name) {
                $output[$item] = Get-Credential -Message "Enter your $item Password"

        "Saving Multipass file to {0}" -f $outpath | Write-Verbose
        [pscustomobject]$output | Export-Clixml -Path $outpath -NoClobber:$(-not $Force)

function Get-MultiPass {
    Retrieves a previously created MultiPass file
    Retrieves a previously created MultiPass file from the specified Path
    Specifies a path to the location of a credential XML file.
    Get-MultiPass -Path C:\users\korben.dallas\desktop.multipass.xml
    param (
        [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf})]

    process {
        Try {
            Import-Clixml -Path $Path -ErrorAction Stop
        Catch {
            throw ("Unable to import Multipass File from {0}" -f $Path)
